Sunday, June 29, 2008

Selamat Hari Lahir Anakku

Warkah buat Amierah
Setahun yg lalu, Ummi sedang bersabung nyawa melahirkanmu wahai Anakku.
Mudah-mudahan kamu tidak akan melupakan pengorbanan Ummimu..
Membesarlah kamu menjadi seorang muslimah yang taat pada Allah, kasih pada RasulNYA serta patuh kepada Abi & Ummi..Amin..

Coretan Amierah Humairah
Semalam Amierah sambut birthday kat taska. Cik Mah & Kak Ina belikan kek utk Amierah. Amierah kongsi kek dgn Firdaus..sebab Firdaus pun lahir bulan Jun jugak..
Ni la kek yang Amierah makan semalam..sedap tau!!Semalam Cik Mah masak mihun, buat donut..pastu Abi bawak otak2..Seronok bila kawan2 nyanyikan lagu 'Happy Birthday' ramai2. Tapi Amierah tak pandai nyanyi lagi.Cuma pandai tepuk tangan.
Sape yg nak makan kek, Abi kata kene la datang umah, nanti Abi belikan kek lain...tapi jangan lupa bawak hadiah sekali..hehehe..

Ni la Firdaus, kawan Amierah kat taska tu..hensem tak? Tapi Amierah lagi comel,kan?? Ummi yang cakap...hehehe..
Tapi Ummi pesan, wajah tak penting..yang penting hati kene selalu bersih. Abi pulak pesan, kene selalu buat baik kat orang. Baru la semua orang sayang kat Amierah nanti..
Insya-Allah, Amierah akan ingat pesan Abi & Ummi..

Hmm, kite nak pegi mana hari ni Abi? Takkan duduk umah je? Aritu Abi & Ummi pegi Menara KL tak bawak pun Amierah..hehehe. Takpe la, minyak dah mahal. Kite duduk umah je. Tapi Abi janji nak belikan kek kan?? Yahooo....

Yea..yea..Abi belikan Amierah kek..Siap ade bola sebijik. Mentang2 le mlm ni final EURO..(bole menang ke Spain tu Abi?? Amierah ngan Ummi support Germany, jgn marah...hehehe)

Banyak betul Abi tayang gambo hari ni. Tapi Abi cakap, bio la..birthday kan setahun sekali...

Nyum..nyum...Alamak, apasal Abi tunjuk gambo Amierah tgh melahap ni?? Kantoi le Amierah kuat makan...

Ceh, Abi & Ummi pun nak enterframe gak ke?? Objection!! Tunggu le birthday Abi & Ummi..Hari ni kan birthday Amierah!!!
Hmm, ok la. Sebab Abi dah belikan kek & Ummi buatkan susu, objection over-ruled... hehehe..(mcm bahasa rasmi Ummi kat ofis je..)

Syukur...Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Lance Armstrong & Me

Maybe not many of us who are familiar with a sportman by the name of Lance Armstrong. In brief, he was a world number one cyclist who won Tour de France more than 5 times, World Championships and many other tournaments.

Although I don't have any credentials in sport, one thing I share in common with him is our disease. Actually it was my oncologist who told me this story.

When I read more on his story, however, I can't be more grateful how lucky I am. His cancer already spread to lungs & abdomen, which means the cure rate is between 50%-85%. To quote what he said "..the best thing ever happened to me", Insya-Allah, I will fight for it, just like him.

You can read more on the disease & his inspiring story below:

1.Lance Armstrong and Testicular Cancer
2.Lance Armstrong Conquers Cancer

Here are some of the excerpt from the articles;

"Testicular exams should be a part of every young man's annual physical exam. Early detection increases the chances for cure. It is one of the many cancers that can actually be cured with very good long-term survival rates. Self-exams should be done each month from the age of 15 to 35 just as a woman would examine her breasts for breast cancer. A lump with or without pain should be brought to the attention of your physician for further work-up.

The Facts about Testicular Cancer:

1. Number one cancer killer among young men in their 20’s and 30’s.
2. More common cancer in white males than in blacks and Asians.
3. Men with history of undescended testicles (cryptorchidism) are at higher risk.
4. Early detection and treatment enacts a 90% cure."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Adab Tuan Rumah

Sejak dua menjak ni, alhamdulillah rumah tak putus2 dikunjungi kawan2 & sedara mara yg datang jenguk bertanya khabar..terima kasih buat semua & mintak maaf andai ade kekurangan di mana2.

Sebagai tuan rumah, Islam dah tunjukkan adab2 yg sempurna utk diamalkan. Namun, mungkin ada sebahagian adab2 yg kite tak perasan.

Mudah-mudahan dapat manfaat bersama..

Sejurus sahaja tetamu sampai, uruskanlah makanannya. Apa sahaja yang mudah di dapati dan disediakan uruskanlah segera, jika ada kemampuan untuk menyediakan makanan yang lebih mewah, uruskanlah kemudian.

Apabila tetamu datang, ada baiknya jika terlebih dahulu ditunjukkan kepadanya di mana tandas supaya dia tidak gelisah kalau tiba-tiba dia ada qadha hajat.

Beramah-mesralah terhadap tetamu dan penuhilah keperluan dan keselesaannya. Jamulah dengan makanan yang agak mewah (mengikut kemampuan anda) sekurang-kurangnya pada sesuatu ketika. Tetamu mempunyai hak terhadap tuan rumah selama 3 hari.

Janganlah keluar ke pekan mencari-cari sesuatu untuk tetamu. Apa sahaja yang sesuai yang terdapat, hidangkanlah untuk mereka. Janganlah terlampau formal sangat.

Tuan rumah janganlah terlalu mendesak tetamu supaya makan. Ini bertentangan dengan kebajikan tetamu.

Tuan rumah janganlah hanya menghidangkan makanan kepada tetamu kemudian biarkan begitu sahaja. Dia hendaklah tinggal di situ dan lihatlah apa-apa keperluan tetamu. Tatkala memerhatikan keadaan tetamu, tuan rumah janganlah merenung tajam ke arah tetamu, ataupun menjadikan tetamu menyedari bahawa dia sedang diperhatikan. Hendaklah tuan rumah sekali-sekali memandang sepintas lalu kalau-kalau tetamu memerlukan sesuatu.

Kadangkala orang merenung kepada tetamu ketika makan, melihat apa dan banyak mana yang dia makan. Tetamu tentu akan merasa kekok dengan kelakuan begini.

Tuan rumah janganlah memberati dirinya dengan sentiasa berada dekat tetamu. Biarkan tetamu dalam keadaan bebas. Biarkanlah tetamu makan sekehendaknya.

Jika perlu untuk menghidang makanan lagi, janganlah mengalihkan bekas (yang masih ada makanan) yang berada dihadapan tetamu. Bawalah makanan tambahan dengan bekas yang lain.

Apabila ada dua orang tetamu, layanilah mereka dengan adil.

Apabila tetamu akan meninggalkan kita, ikutilah dia sehingga ke pintu. Ini adalah sunnah.


~source Permata Hati~

Monday, June 23, 2008

1998 ~ 2008

~Topik ini khusus utk kaki bola, maaf ye..~

1998, Stade de France
Sesape yg kaki bola sejak lahir, tentu korang masih ingat 2 gol yg Zidane sumbat masa final lwn Brazil (Perancis vs Brazil, 3-0)

Memori sepuluh tahun lepas tetiba terimbau tatkala menonton penalti Itali vs Sepanyol pagi tadi.
Ade satu kisah silam yg tak dpt dilupakan..

Masa tu aku Form 5, tgh sibuk2 nak SPM le katakan.
Tapi demam World Cup'98 time tu memang irresistible. Study,study jugak..bola pun layan beb!

Tup2 sehari dua sebelum 1st kick off, cikgu Math merangkap cikgu disiplin kitorang pegi 'simpan' TV kat dewan makan asrama yg tak penah terusik selama ni. Pergh....hangin le satu badan..Mengelabah masing2. Yang lawak & menyakitkan hati, cikgu tu siap janji akan record setiap game & tayang waktu riadah sebelah petang...apakah...
Tak thrilled langsung..

Dipendekkan ceta, kami pun berpakat ngan bdk2 pompuan pinjam TV extra asrama puteri. Aku tak berapa ingat sape mastermind or director, yg penting aku cuma bawak watak kecil, cover line kat surau tatkala "Ops World Cup" dilancarkan..
Modus operandi? Setiap hari, waktu antara Maghrib & Isya' akan ade aktiviti kat surau..Masa tu la operasi memindahkan tv tu berlangsung. Mujur le warden takde spot check time tu, kalo tak mengelabah gak la aku..

Sepanjang hari2 pertama (group stage), semua terkawal. Kalau cikgu Math kitorg tu bercerita pasal game live hari tu kat kelas, kitorang dgn selambanye buat2 tak tau result & tanya cikgu best ke tak game tu? Real sungguh la kitorang berlakon time tu..

Then the moment came..

Masa tu quarter-final Argentina vs England..
Beckham kene kad merah & game pulak seri sampai abis extra time...

Opss..lupa aku nak bagitau betapa seksanye nengok bola tapi takleh bersorak & menjerit..Kalo sorang terlepas jerit,masing2 dah mengelabah takut kantoi..hahaha..

So, bile dah penalti tu..waktu dah nak subuh..
Bile abis game, keadaan dah tak terkawal. Warden plak dah bersiap2 meronda nak kejut subuh..Maka korang paham2 je la ape yg berlaku..

Tribute pada geng2 (Taib, Tumen, Dent dll) yg bersama2 memerah idea & mengambil risiko memastikan liputan siaran langsung direalisasikan..Ahaks..
Special tribute buat 3 dara pingitan yg teruk dimarahi warden akibat bersubahat dgn kitorang..(Zaza, Enn & Nad..opss..mcm kenal?!!hehehe)

P/S: The ball is round & the pitch is uneven..May the best team wins..
(1998 aku support Spain tapi bungkus awal. This time, it is still Spain..hope they can break the jinx) :-)

Friday, June 20, 2008

It's Getting Tougher

Hai semua..

Seminggu terlantar dek penangan 2nd cycle. Tak sangka pulak makin mengganas ubat2 tu membunuh sel2 dalam badan sampai tak larat nak bangun..
Solat pun kene duduk,berdiri lama sikit kepala terus mcm nak pitam..
Alhamdulillah, semua kembali ok (sikit)

Memang kimoterapi ni pun, secara teorinya membunuh semua sel yang tak baik & sel yang baik,kemudian badan akan bina semula sel2 baru..

Ramai bertanya, kenapa teruk sgt kimo aku ni?Kan aku ni cuma stage 1..

To begin with, not all tumors are cancer..If you ever hear people underwent surgery & no chemotherapy or follow up treatment needed, means that is tumor.

Normally, the standard procedure is that they will do the biopsy (cell taken from the tumor) or surgery to remove the tumor completely. Biopsy or surgery will be decided by doctor, due to many factors: age, stage, type etc. Then the sample will be sent to the lab to identify the type of are the lucky one if it is just a tumor..

Talking about cancer, each cancer has many types & characters. In my case, as far as testicular cancer is concerned, there are no less than 4 types. Guess what, mine is Embryonal Carcinoma, the most aggresive among others. According to doctor, the chemotherapy that I am given is just about the same as stage 2 or 3. No wonder..

Moving forward, I almost reach half the milestone..

1st cycle
12 May
13 May
14 May
20 May
27 May

2nd cycle
12 June
13 June
14 June
19 June
26 June

3rd cycle
3 July
4 July
5 July
10 July
17 July

4th cycle
24 July
25 July
26 July
31 July
7 August

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Man Next Bed

My sleep a bit disturbed last night. Although my session finished at 1.20am, still I cannot close my eyes. So was my wife. (Hopefully she is not caught napping in the office today..hehehe)

Pity to uncle Azli, the man who lies beside my bed. He is suffering lung cancer, stage 4. He was first diagnosed with the illness in 2004. After chemotherapy, his condition back to normal ever since. However, it came back just recently.

As a regular to oncology clinic in Damansara Hospital, I can see a lot of cancer patients facing the same problem whenever diagnosed at later stage (Stage 4). I guess that's why cancer is dubbed as silent killer. Most are detected when there are too late. Having said that, quite a number also who managed to escape the disease.

Successful recovery normally credited to the good treatment whether it is modern (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, nuclear etc) or alternative (herbs, homeopathy etc). What many fail to understand is that when the treatment didn't work the way it should, they blame the God.

Alhamdulillah, as Muslims where believe in Qada' & Qadar is a must, we will always back to Allah for any circumstances. I don't have to elaborate this further. Or else you will find an unqualified khatib giving a Khutbah Jumaat here.

Back to uncle Azli. He was coughing all night long. I repeat, all night long. It is not a normal cough. I can feel the pain of his whole body everytime he coughs. We pity him deeply. What I admired him, every cough will be followed by istigfar. Be strong uncle!! Definitely this is tarbiyah from Allah and it is priceless..


Thursday, June 12, 2008

2nd Cycle

Yesterday, I went to see my oncologist for follow up treatment. To refresh, my chemotherapy session on 2nd June last week was postponed due to low white blood cell count.

Alhamdulillah, yesterday's reading was 6.9 compared to 3.5 last week. The normal range is between 4.3 ~ 10.5. My only worry is that if the reading is still low & the session needs to be dragged again & again.

On top of that, another good news is that my cancer marker (B -hCG) is now 2. Just imagine, before the tumor was removed..the level is 203. Whereas the normal level should be lower that 5..Alhamdulillah..Segala puji hanya bagiMU Ya-Allah..

Today, I will be admitted to ward & proceed with my 2nd cycle of chemotherapy. This session consists of 3 days on the trot (Thursday, Friday & Saturday) followed by session on 18 & 25 June. Hmm, most likely I will miss Jumaat prayer this week. In term of medications, all will be similar as per 1st cycle.

My hairs count is currently between 500 ~ 1000. After this cycle..who can guess how many will still be standing?? :-)

Dear all, next is the main suspect..the culprit who is responsible for the loss of my hair. If you find any of them, please don't take it or you end up bald just like me. Don't say I never warn you..

Last but not least. When I read the following Quranic verse, quickly it reminds me the Greatness of Allah. With the tumor size of 4cm2, it is none compare with the whole universe HE created..

"Sesungguhnya penciptaan langit dan bumi lebih besar daripada penciptaan manusia akan tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui". Al-Mu'min :: 57

(Note: Surah Al-Mukmin is referred as Al-Ghafir in most of the Quran. Besides, this surah is also known as Al-Tawl)


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bloggerkah Aku?

Ward 303
Damansara Specialist Hospital
22 Apr 08 @ 10.05am
(One day after operation)

"Ciki,tulislah blog..Share pengalaman ko tu. Bukan semua org ade experience mcm ni tau!" Sapa seorang teman rapat. Kalau bukan kerana cadangannya itu, tiadalah wujud blog ni. Experience aku ni, kalau boleh semua orang tak nak tau...hehehe..Apapun, tempoh rehat 2 minggu sebelum memulakan rawatan kimoterapi membuatkan aku mempertimbangkan semula cadangan tu. Bosan. Itulah perkataan terbaik menggambarkan keadaan aku masa tu.

Menulis bukanlah speciality aku sejak dulu. Sebab tu agaknye aku amik accounting. Even kat UIA dulu, aku tak pernah guna 2 booklet utk sebarang exam. Tak larat mengarang panjang2!!Figures,figures & figures. That's how I described myself. Kene tulis minit mesyuarat utk monthly meeting dept aku tu pun cukup menyiksakan..hahaha..

Blog? Aku berkenalan dgn perkataan ni sejak kempen pilihanraya umum Mar'08 lepas. Maklumlah, media perdana berat sebelah sangat masa tu. (Opss...boleh kene ISA wooo..) Apapun,blog2 ni pun ade yg betul & tak.Pepandai la timbang & tolak mana2 yg tak berapa betul tu.Kat blog aku ni pun,kalau agak2 ade yg temberang tu,just ignore la ye..

Selain dari tak minat menulis, ketiadaan access internet di rumah & office (cuma bole access & turut menyumbang ketinggalanzamannya aku dgn alam siber ni..

Ok,itu cerita sebelum..Masa nak start tulis blog ni plak,aku tanya wife.."Umi,nak tulis BM ke English?" Wife aku direct je sound..tulis bahasa Melayu je la..ngada2 plak!!Tulis punye tulis,mcm byk mengarut la pulak..Panjang bukan main berjela!!

Hmmm,aku try plak tulis dlm English..Disebabkan English yg tak berapa nak terer ni, bole pulak aku tulis pendek2..So,kalo nak tau sebab utama aku byk tulis in English, korang tau la ye sebabnye skrg..hehehe..

Masa SPM,English aku dulu cuma C5, English Placement test kat UIA pulak CCU (average je la kire..). Mungkin dek kerana masuk UIA & keje plak join MNC (multi-national corporation),so English aku tu sedikit sebanyak dah la dipolish skt2..still, antara niat aku tulis blog ni pun sebab nak improve skt2 English aku ni,di samping share sedikit sebanyak pengalaman aku yg tak seberapa ni..agak2 dah boring cerita psl sakit aku,aku ngarut la ape2 yg patut..

La ni pulak, aku dapati tulis blog antara terapi yg baik selain kimoterapi yg menyakitkan tu..Maklum la,seharian di umah.Selain aktiviti2 wajib (rehat+tido, baca Quran & nengok tv), menulis pun sedikit sebanyak mengisi kelapangan masa. Tapi kesian kat wife & anak aku, kadang2 syok mengarang & mengedit blog sampai waktu malam pun aku langgar..sorry ye sayang2ku...

Masa mula2 nak create blog ni, terfikir gak aku..ade ke org nak baca??Hmm,takpe least aku tau wife aku & aku akan baca..wakaka..

Setiap blogger ada alasan tersendiri mengapa mereka menulis. Ade yg berniat berkongsi ilmu, ade yg nak menjatuhkan atau menaikkan individu tertentu, ade yg ingin berkongsi rasa & pengalaman dan seribu satu sebab2 yg lain. Meminjam kata2 Ogy Ahmad Daud, setiap pergerakan kene ade matlamat..Ahaks..

Mengambil pesan Rasulullah s.a.w. "org yg paling baik antara kamu ialah org yg paling byk memberi manfaat kepada org lain"..
Semoga blogku ini dpt memberi sedikit manfaat buat pembacanya..

Yg baik datangnya dari Allah, yg buruk semestinya dari diri yg lemah & dhaif ini..

P/S: Terima kasih atas sokongan semua. Kimoterapi (2nd cycle) aku yg seterusnya dijadualkan 12-14 Jun '08 ini. Andai keadaan mengizinkan Insya-Allah. (Tak mau postpone lagi,nak gi keje..huwaaaaa)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

New Craze in Town

As a football fan, EURO2008 is just like any other tournament I will be looking forward, besides World Cup, EPL etc..

I love football since I was 7. My first boot I bought was Lotto, using my own Duit Raya. To tell you my obsession with football would be a long story..
In short, it was enough to make my mum sick of me..hehehe (wall full of posters, shirts were all football jerseys, room full of football magazines..bla..bla...)

I started playing football for my school since Standard 4. It's not because I am too good, but I guess Malaysia lacks of good footballers..(let's face it, this is the truth..hehehe)

Although my interest is not that "crazy" nowadays, I still enjoy watching the games & news occasionally.

So, back to EURO2008. It's already kicked off last midnight. FYI, all matches will kick off at midnight or later..Meaning, if you are really a fanatic, I bet you don't mind sacrifice your bedtime to support the team you like. Not so for me. I had developed the tendency to watch only the highlights (where only goals & attempts shown), so I don't have to stay up & sacrifice my sleeping time. :-)

Anyway, I won't say will never stay or wake up to watch the game. Especially when it comes to knock out stages (quarter, semi & final), sometimes the games are worth watching.

Anyway, let me remind myself & anybody who wake up before dawn to watch the games. Please try to perform at least 2 rakaat of solat tahajjud (more is better). This is actually the best & closest time to Allah..If we really know who Allah is, then the ball will be just nothing..


P/S: Congrats to Acit & Nadey, for the 2nd baby (8 June 08 @ 6.21am). I know it's EURO..but don't name your baby as Ahmad Ronaldo or Mohd Ballack please..hehehe ;-)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Good Driving Habits

Since we are in the "mood" of high petrol price right now, I want to share with you some of the good driving method, which can save our fuel consumptions. This is only applicable if you fork out your own pocket to pay the petrol (if you can claim your travelling mileage, who knows you may make some profit.. hehehe)
Some might already knew it. However, for those who have not know yet..hope these help a bit.

(These are based on the actual test done by an US-based automotive magazine)
Since the results are too technical, I summarized in my perspective below.

Test #1 Aggressive Driving vs. Moderate Driving

Result: Major savings potential

The Cold Hard Facts: Up to 37 percent savings, average savings of 31 percent

Recommendation: Stop driving like a maniac.

My perspective: If you take within 10 seconds to clock 70km/h, slow it down to 15 seconds or more. Please be gentle with your pedal. Another indication is that don't let your RPM meter exceed 2000 before reaching 60km/h. (No more race with the car next to you at traffic light..hehehe..)
Same when you want to break. Don't break immediately. Take it easy..
Don't tail the car in front of you closely. You tend to always have the sudden break. (And accident if you are unlucky!!)

Test #2 Lower Speeds Saves Gas

Result: Substantial savings on a long trip

Cold Hard Facts: Up to 14 percent savings, average savings of 12 percent

Recommendation: Drive the speed limit.

My perspective: Frankly, I failed this test. Now, with the new price, I will try to change..The test shows 80-90km/h is the best speed!!More than that, you've got to pay more. (Wake up early if you always late to office!!). Moreover, you can save your money from 'saman ekor' etc..

Test #3 Use Cruise Control

Result: Surprisingly effective way to save gas

Cold Hard Facts: Up to 14-percent savings, average savings of 7 percent

Recommendation: If you've got it, use it.

My perspective: Most of us don't have it. What we can do, mantain the speed as long as we can. Frequent changes in the speed also consume a lot of petrol.

Test #4 A/C On, Windows Up vs. A/C Off, Windows Down

Result: Nice in theory; not true in practice

Cold Hard Facts: No measurable difference (unless you open the sunroof, too!)

Recommendation: Please, make yourself comfortable.

My perspective: I was wrong on this. Switch off your air-cond not necessarily save the petrol. This is due to latest technology on modern cars. Just enjoy your ride comfortably.

Test #5 Check Your Tyre Pressure

Result: Important for safety and to reduce tyre wear

Cold Hard Facts: No measurable effect on the vehicles we tested

Recommendation: Check your tyre pressure often but don't expect a big savings.

My perspective: Although not reflected significantly on petrol, it can increase your tyre life. Tyre also costs a lot of $$$..

Test #6 Avoid Excessive Idling

Result: More important than we assumed

Cold Hard Facts: Avoiding excessive idling can save up to 19 percent

Recommendation: Stopping longer than a minute? Shut your engine down.

My perspective: It depends on the situation. If your family waiting for you in the car on the hot weather, maybe you need to close one eye. But if too long, it is dangerous for them as well. Think smart & wise okay..

Overall, change our driving habits can actually save some money (if not much). As Transport Ministry's campaign always said.."YOU CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE"

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Vicious Cycle

My apology, but I couldn't refrain myself from writing this...

I was one of those last nite, stuck in long queue to get the tank full. At first I just don't bother, even I got some sms from friends since afternoon alerting the new price. However, when I realized that my fuel tank almost empty..I needed no second thought. Reached the station at 11.45pm, I managed to fill in 40 litres. That means I saved more than RM30 within 15 minutes. People like me, still consider that as a big amount of money.

To my surprise, there were people who brought all kinds of bottles. (I wish I bring my camera along). My pick of the night was Dynamo bottle. Hopefully that lady does not mistakenly pour the petrol inside her washing machine!!

To recap, these are some of the "new" of the day:

The Changes

Price increase

Petrol – RM0.78/litre
Diesel – RM1/litre
Commercial and industrial – 26%
Retailers and small restaurant operators – 18% (for first 200kWh per month)
Residential – new pricing structure for users above 200kWh per month

Prices effective today (per litre)

Petrol – RM2.70 (previously RM1.92)
Diesel – RM2.58 (previously RM1.58)


> RM625 per year
For private vehicle with engine capacity of 2000cc and below, including private pickup trucks and jeeps with engine capacity of 2500cc and below.

> RM150 per year
For each private motorcycle with engine capacity of 250cc and below

> RM200 reduction on road tax
For private petrol and diesel vehicles with engine capacity above 2000cc

> RM50 reduction on road tax
For private motorcycles with engine capacity above 250cc

Electricity tariff restructure

> Households using 200kWh and below every month will not be affected. This covers 59% of households in Peninsular Malaysia with a monthly bill under RM43.60.

> Commercial and industrial users face 26% increase. Small retail and business outlets consuming under 200kWh per month face 18% increase.

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and
Natural Gas for Vehicle (NGV)

> No change. Prices remain at RM1.75 per kg (LPG) and RM0.635 per litre (NGV)

Service tax threshold for restaurants and eateries

> Service tax now for restaurants with annual sales of RM3mil (previously RM500,000)


While I believe Govt already caught in between with the decision, as a layman we must (read as forced) to make our own adjustments from now on. Perhaps it is the time now that we have to review some of the area that we can improve eg: dine at stall.

Last time when the petrol up by every RM0.10, a piece of roti canai & a glass of teh tarik also up by same amount. What will happen this time? Have your guess.. This is just an example.
Now try to think about groceries etc..Oh no!!!Suddenly I feel I don't want to think anything..

This is the vicious cycle I'm talking about..

"Ya-Allah, berkatilah rezeki kami, murahkan rezeki kami & permudahkanlah urusan kami..
agar dapat kami yang sering lalai ini sentiasa beribadah & berbakti untuk agamaMU..
tetapkan iman kami & teguhkan hati kami..
agar kami yang lemah ini sentiasa berada di bawah rahmat & kasih sayangMU, Amin"

Monday, June 2, 2008

Andai Ku Tahu...

My latest photo taken on 1 June 08

I dedicate this song (by Ungu - Andai Ku Tahu)
to everybody..families & friends..
From the bottom of my heart..
Please forgive me, for everything I've said & done..

Andai ku tahu..kapan tiba ajalku
Ku akan memohon..Tuhan tolong panjangkan umurku
Andai ku tahu..kapan tiba masaku
Ku akan memohon..Tuhan jangan Kau ambil nyawaku

Aku takut..akan semua dosa-dosaku
Aku takut..dosa yang terus membayangiku

Andai ku tahu..malaikatMu kan menjemputku
Izinkan aku..mengucap kata taubat padaMu
Aku takut..akan semua dosa-dosaku
Aku takut..dosa yang terus membayangiku

Ampuni aku..dari segala dosa-dosaku
Ampuni aku..menangisku bertaubat padaMu
Aku manusia..yang takut neraka
Namun aku juga..tak pantas di syurga

Andai ku tahu..kapan tiba ajalku
Izinkan aku..mengucap kata taubat padaMu
Aku takut..akan semua dosa-dosaku
Aku takut..dosa yang terus membayangiku

Ampuni aku..dari segala dosa-dosaku
Ampuni aku..menangisku bertaubat padaMu

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Against All Odds

Call me stubborn or anything you like..

Although my health is still unfavourable, I tried my best to fulfill some of wedding invitations over the weekend..Alhamdulillah, I managed to attend 3 out of 5 invitations (all around Klang Valley)

My deepest apology to Musa (E&Y) and Nurrul (Toyota) whose weddings held in Kelantan & Perak respectively. Sorry for cannot make it.

My 2nd cycle of chemotherapy (suppose on 2,3 & 4 June) need to be rescheduled. According to doc, my body is not fit yet. Don't blame me please, I got the call from doc even before I attended those weddings. Truly.. :-)

To all Pengantin Baru..CONGRATULATIONS!!
This is the beginning of the true journey..
Be patient with all the up & down from now onwards..May the marriage everlasting until the Akhirah..BON VOYAGE!!