Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Auto World: My Story

Recently, I received many questions pertaining to my job. Whether the concern was the gesture of sympathy or something else, it's Allah to decide.

Sometimes I just felt irritated, while in the positive mode, I should be grateful because at least there are people who are still concern about me.

Indeed, in this current situation, popular questions posed, amongst others are
"How's Toyota, any lay off/retrenchment?", "Market is down. How's Toyota doing?" or maybe in polite manner like... "How's your job?"

Most of the time, I just smile..
Nothing I can do to change the perception. Nor can I blame them for what they are thinking.
Whole world is down, can I say Malaysia against the odd?

Perhaps this article can answer the question.
"The Japanese Kaizen system says gives no power without responsibility. “ I have never heard of layoffs in Toyota. Toyota does not employ unnecessary people or create positions unnecessarily. But, once employed, the Toyota employee works for a lifetime,” says Kasahara. The level of job security runs high. But that does not mean that they continue with redundant people or that non-performers can stay."

Deep inside my heart, all I can do is pray to Allah..


Automotive is one of the top 3 most affected industries. First being electronic, the 3rd is property. And it is a vicious cycle, whole system will be brought down, hard & exception.
I will tell you why later..

Yesterday, there are some hope which may boost the auto market. I lauded Government for doing that. I believe more to come, to support this market.

Since I am very much involved in this, let me illustrate something.

In 2008, about 500,000 vehicles were sold. In my rough calculation, take average of sales tax of RM5,000 per vehicle & excise duty of RM10,000. Mind you, this is very conservative & minimal estimation. It definitely higher that that..because 50% of the market are non-national (other that Proton, Perodua & Naza)
Just an example, excise duty for Vios & Camry are RM20,000 & RM50,000 respectively!!

It is RM15,000 x 500,000 units = RM7.5bil.
My guts feeling..government enjoyed more that RM10bil alone from auto industry.

Toyota hit 100,000 units in 2008.
Meaning averagely additional excise duty & sales tax of RM50,000 per Toyota or
RM5bil in total.

* So guys, please don't blame Toyota for the high price we quote.
If still, what you can do is to compare the price of Peninsular against Labuan/Langkawi (duty free).
The difference is what Government received.
Ie: Vios/City high-grade priced @ RM60,000 ++ while Camry/Accord high-grade @ RM90,000++

Thinking of buying one? Please migrate over there...hehehe...

Back to the topic, forecast sales volume might be down as bad as 20%.

If that is the case, even Government will lose few billions from the taxes & duties.
As for finance industry, means they also need to content with lower revenue from lesser auto loans.

Maybe that is why we can see BNM already announced the cut of interest rate.
So the next industry ie: property will be well-prepared to face any circumstances.

Again, if property industry slump, Government, finance & all related parties will also fall in revenue.

I am not going to go into details, coz that will definitely haunt you.
Even so-called secured jobs are not spared. My apology.

Well, I am not taking any revenge, sincerely.
This is just an open explanation, in the hope we all aware what is happening around us..
And strengthen our believe that Allah who gave us rezeki...

So, to my worries..
Believe in Allah, not anybody else...


Monday, February 23, 2009

It's Written There

Last weekend, agak penuh jadual aku..
Mengemas umah, teman wife aku pegi office event, nengok progress umah baru, survey contractor utk kitchen cabinet (sape2 ade recommendation bole bagitau ek) and last but not least..first time ever bwk Amierah masuk cinema nengok ceta Geng (4 1/2 bintang aku bagi!!)

Sabtu pagi, lps anto adik aku pegi SMAKL (exam PTD..which I always failed..hehe) kitorang pun bergegas la ke Shah Alam, kat Panasonic punye Sport Complex..
Dulu penah gak lawan bola sekali kat situ (CPA Australia punye event)

Sekarang ni, diorg dah rename as MSN Sport Complex..
Hmm, agaknye Panasonic bagi free kat kerajaan M'sia kot..agaknye..

JOLSUA (long form aku tak tau maknanye..ala2 inter-dept sport carnival utk budak2 kehakiman..)
tak sesuai...mau aku kene tahan reman ngan majistret2 tu semua kang...
Maaf tuan2 & puan2...hehehe

Wife aku beria nak dtg utk bagi sokongan moral kat rakan2 ofis..
Aku dah suruh die masuk badminton, tapi...hmm..tahun depan katanye...hehehe...

Oleh kerana kitorang share in common kawan2 (kawan die kawan aku aku gak..vice versa)
maka secara tak sengaja aku kelihatan terpekik terjerit support team netball KL..
1st time aku nengok org main netball.
Term ape yg diorg panggil lps masukkan bola kat jaring pun aku tak tau..
Main jerit "GOL" aje... (eh, gol la kan?? takkan nak jerit "NET" plak...)

Bagus gak aku ikut, dpt jumpa kawan2 lama, Dent, Asraf, Faizi etc...
Dpt la sembang2 & tanya khabar...

Lps lunch, baru la team badminton KL start main (Azah, Midah, Faizi dll).
Kene lawan geng2 Putrajaya...

Tengah2 main (konon2 aku pun sibuk la atur strategi utk Azah..hehe), ade org menjerit & aku nengok org ramai berkerumun...

Rupa2nye, ade sorang player dari Putrajaya tgh mengerang mcm sesak nafas camtu.
Aku suspect maybe die ade asma, psl nafas die mcm tersekat2...

Lama gak die terbaring situ, tapi apsl St. John yg aku nampak pagi td tak dtg2??
Tunggu ambulan pun tak sampai2, last2 kawan2 die bwk sendiri pegi hospital/klinik..

Apa agaknye punca die jdk begitu?
Main lama sgt ke..or ada sakit ape2 ke..

Aku yg sejak akhir2 ni selalu main badminton pun jdk cuak..
Tambahan pulak kes bekas MP K.T'ganu yg meninggal ketika main badminton tak berapa lama dulu...

Since games pun dah abis..maka kitorang pun teruskan la acara dgn melawat tapak bakal umah kat Sg. Buloh.

On the way, wife aku dpt sms..mengatakan hamba Allah tadi dah meninggal dunia..
Probably sakit jantung..
Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raajiun...
Tergamam seketika aku & wife aku..
Terkenang detik tadi...astagfirullah...

Begitulah...ajal apabila tiba..tidak akan dilambatkan ataupun dipercepatkan walau sesaat...

Telah tertulis di sana...

Mudah-mudahan rohnya dicucuri rahmat...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Air Sarbat

Sape penah dengo air ni??

Sedih aku, banyak kali aku tanya kawan2..
atau pegi minum mana2 tanya kedai2 makan..

Jarang yg jawab "takde encik"..
Bukanlah byk kedai yg akan kata ade..

Kebanyakkannye akan mengerutkan dahi & buat muka blur..macam le aku ni order
lamb chop sweet sour or 3 rasa..

Apapun, akhir2 ni selalu pulak dengo suara Abon mengiklankan satu produk baru..
"teh sarbat"...dgn slang

Dulu masa aku kecik2 ayah aku selalu bwk pegi minum blkg Hongkong Bank (skrg dikenali HSBC) berhadapan balai polis Muar..

Utk org yg belum penah jumpa...
dari jauh kaler die putih kekuningan ala2 horlicks..
Rasenye sungguh masyuk..berangin (letak halia rasenye)
(ke aku sorang je yg jakun??)

Sape yg jdk stokis teh sarbat ni, cepat2 le kontek aku ye...

Ataupun, perlukah aku call Abon utk menjadi salah seorang stokisnye??

Monday, February 16, 2009

Susulan Si Jebat (video)

Sekadar satu latihan..
bak kata omputih, practice makes perfect...

Selalu dengo ucapan2 die via YouTube.
Tak sangka dpt jumpe in-person..
Pak mertua aku pun seronok..
Tak sia2 ke KL naik bas..ramai gak 'artis2' yg die salam..

Agak basi dah...
ape nak buat, keje kat opis pun banyak..blk umah dah penat..
weekend pun jadual dah packed..
tunggu aku jdk fulltime, baru le bole buat air-time punye update..hehehe...

Apa2 pun, kepada semua...
Sentiasa la muhasabah diri..
Kadang2 kita rasa perkara A yg baik utk kita, tetapi Allah bagi kita B..
Redha & hayati hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian..


Saturday, February 14, 2009


Masa aku kecik2, selalu gak la nengok cerita Hang Tuah & baca buku tentang Hang Tuah & rakan2 spt Hikayat 5 Bersaudara etc..
Maklum la, berangan gak nak jdk hero w/p belajo silat dulu pun separuh jalan..

Tapi nak pegi Gunung Ledang tu dah dekat ngan umah aku..
Anytime je bole crk Tok Guru Adiputra (er,masih idup ke ek?) mtk die turunkan ilmu..

Point aku kat sini adalah..w/p Hang Tuah tu digambarkan sebagai hero, sebenarnya aku lebih suka kat Hang Jebat..
Ala2 gentleman gitu la...mungkin tindakan yg terburu2 membawa padah..
Tapi oleh sebab masa tu aku rase aku sorang je yg berfikiran sebegitu..maka aku pun takde la ceta kat sapa2 tentang kecenderungan aku pada Jebat.
Takut dikatakan jiwa pemberontak..kang tak memasal kene anto Sek Henry Gurney (sek bdk2 nakal) yg 10 km dari umah aku tu...
masa aku kecik2 dulu, mak aku selalu gertak nak anto situ psl aku ni nakal sgt...hehehe..

Namun, rupa2nya ade gak insan yg melahirkan sokongan terbuka kepada Jebat.


Semalam (Jumaat : 13 Feb 09) aku cuti.
Nak anto pak mertua aku gi IJN untuk follow up. Amik sample darah je dulu.
Next week baru jumpa doc nengok development camne since last treatment Ogos aritu.

Lps gi IJN, kitorang pun beransur ke KL Court nak anto wife aku pegi keje.
Sblm tu breakfast la dulu kat cafe die yg penah bergenang air dek kebocoran siling bumbung masa baru2 bukak dulu tu.
Kami perhatikan agak ramai umat manusia yg ala2 mcm reporter kat segenap penjuru. Mesti ade kes high-profile ni..

Lps makan, aku ajak pak mertua aku pusing2..
Dgn 'busybody'nya & perasaan ingin tahu, aku pun tanya la sorang mamat yg tgh pegang kamera, kes ape hari ni??
Dia bole jawab entah..
Cis, jawapan apakah itu!!! Abis ko dtg sini nak amik pemandangan je ke?!!

Tak berapa lama lps tu, nengok org berkerumun & masing2 kejo yop kejo keta2 Camry yg dtg..
La, Nizar nak dtg sini ke??
Kire at the right place & at the right time le ni...

Nasib baik wife aku bwk digicam (w/p kemudiannya aku agak ralat psl tak bwk videocam)

Rezeki aku agaknye, asyik dpt snap gambo keta2 EXCO Negeri yg penuh kontroversi..
Dulu kat T'ganu pun gitu gak..

Agak2 kalo aku apply jdk crew Melodi diorg nak tak??hehehe..

Dent, ko pilih nak yg mana satu..
Sat lg die nak lelong tu!!hehehe...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2 Budak Botak

Dah 2-3 kali aku nengok 'The Making of Geng' tanpa jemu...
Pengalaman meng'edit' video2 pendek membuatkan aku lebih menghargai kerja2 yang tersirat ni..

Selalunye ape yg ditonton mmg mengasyikkan. Maklumlah, end-product.
Ibarat kite order tomyam kat kedai..
Lepas semua bahan disediakan, ditumis rencah, dimasak dgn penuh penghayatan & dihidangkan dgn penuh kesusilaan..
(boleh tak kalo tak payah bermetafora yg bukan2?!!!hehehe)
Pendek kata, pasti menghasilkan tomyam yg enak (dah kenyang, tak payah basuh pinggan pulak tu..tentu seronok, kan?)

Tapi, utk org2 yg bekerja di belakang tabir..ianya taklah semudah yg disangkakan..
Penghasilan sesuatu yang marvellous tentunya memerlukan kesungguhan & komitmen yg tinggi..

Upin: "Betul ke??"
Ipin : "Betul..betul..betul..."

Bravo Les' Copaque!!!

P/S: Sebelum aku click 'Publish Post', baru aku terperasan yg esok premiere die..ingatkan lama lagi..
Free promo la ni...
Amierah nak nengok abang Upin & Ipin tak??
"Nak..dapp.." (iye la tu, semua pun sedap....)

Sen Wise, Ringgit Fool

Pretty busy with work lately.
Working on something which soon will be launched..
Anybody ever heard of TRD?
If yes, I'll post an entry regarding that.
If no, means you guys not that auto-savvy.

But, looking at the current economic condition..
just cross the fingers & pray to Allah things gonna be fine, hopefully..

I received an internal circulation stating that our vacation subsidy scheme has been ceased. Although it stated temporary, I won't foresee this scheme will be re-introduced anytime soon..

Luckily I managed to claim once..
It is not big money anyway, but RM160 is still money.
For a politician, you may need RM1mil - RM50mil to make them happy,
however layman like me..getting even RM10 for free surely can bring a smile on my face. How materialistic people are....hehehe..

So that email suddenly triggered my cost-consciousness mind to calculate this:-

RM160 (max claim) x 20 staff (max per month - company-wide) x 12 month = RM38,400.

How about extending bosses' cars usage from 3 years become 6 years??
Our car claimed to be durable & reliable. Why not?
That could mean total savings of RM150,000 or an average of RM50,000 per year.
This is for one car, mind you. Just multiple with..well, 20? 30?

Instead of letting 240 staffs (20 staff x 12 months) down, why not review other areas which actually can save more (by letting down few people)??

Opss, perhaps bosses who introduced this..
Ok, I'll keep quiet then..
What is next? Dental claim? Mileage?

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Tahniah buat exco2 baru negeri Perak, merasa gak korang naik keta baru yerk...
Bos aku pun naik Camry, kadang2 merasa gak naik bile ade meeting kat HQ.

Begitulah lumrah alam, sekejap di atas..sekejap di bawah..
Apatah lagi politik, segalanya mungkin..
Eloklah di bawah..kite akan lebih mengerti erti kesusahan & lebih ingat pula kepada Allah..

Buat Datuk Seri Nizar, biarlah kita diaibkan di dunia daripada dibukakan aib di akhirat..

Dunia bukanlah destinasi..ianya sekadar perjalanan..
Treasure every moment, no matter what we are..

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

# incommunicado # duress # kangkalikong #

Yes, of late we've seen a lot of & there.

I just take it positively, at least I got 3 new words to add into my little vocab.

(In case you understand what I am talking about..)

The rest, let them finish the mess off!!