Friday, October 10, 2008

The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History

I knew about this book a long time ago.
If I'm not mistaken, Ustaz Zahazan did mentioned this book but I never bother to look out for it.
When I visited resource centre, accidentally I saw it on the shelf & just grasp it right away.

Yes, this book might be written by a non-Muslim, Michael H.Hart but the man on top of the list is our Prophet Muhammad!

Here's some excerpts from the book:

"My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels."

"Of humble origins, Muhammad founded and promulgated one of the world's great religions, and became an immensely effective political leader. Today, thirteen centuries after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive."

"How, then, is one to assess the overall impact of Muhammad on human history? Like all religions, Islam exerts an enormous influence upon the lives of its followers. It is for this reason that the founders of the world's great religions all figure prominently in this book . Since there are roughly twice as many Christians as Moslems in the world, it may initially seem strange that Muhammad has been ranked higher than Jesus. There are two principal reasons for that decision. First, Muhammad played a far more important role in the development of Islam than Jesus did in the development of Christianity. Although Jesus was responsible for the main ethical and moral precepts of Christianity (insofar as these differed from Judaism), St. Paul was the main developer of Christian theology, its principal proselytizer, and the author of a large portion of the New Testament."

Full article as of in the book can be read here.

To share some of the info, below are the top 10 of the list..

1. Muhammad
2. Isaac Newton
3. Jesus Christ
4. Buddha
5. Confucius
6. St. Paul
7. Ts ai Lun
8. Johann Gutenberg
9. Christopher Columbus
10. Albert Einstein

Some sound familiar, while some we never ever heard before.

One thing we might consider, however, is to follow as close as possible the path of Prophet Muhammad, his actions, sayings & everything relevant as much as we could.

Even a non-Muslim can appreciate the role of our Prophet, what more we as a Muslim who days & nights declared the Oneness of Allah & Prophet Muhammad as His Messenger..
Hope this may inspire us in one way or another, insya-Allah..

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