Life Insurance?No Thanks
Like most of us (I guess), I myself believe that life insurance is good, but yet again, just ignore the importance of it.
In my case, since 2005 I am approached not less than 3 friends who tried to get me signed up. I even sometimes had to avoid them because I have no heart to reject. Although I realized the benefits of taking a life insurance, the main factor refrained me from taking any is the MONEY.
If the policy is one-off payment, maybe I can consider that. However, monthly commitment to mantain the coverage triggered me to think twice. So, along that 3 years (2005 ~ 2007), my priority went to things other than that. (Household, cars & those..)
Signed Up
As life went through, our income is getting 'better' & age is getting older, we already put life insurance coverage in our 2008 budget planning.
So, in Feb 2008 one of my former classmates called me up & offered me takaful product which I believe the best in town. After a few discussions, I agreed to get my wife & I covered, which was dated on 6 March 2008.
Moment of Truth
Then came the faithful event, which led to my cancer diagnosis, on 18 April 2008. Sadly to say, in takaful policy, it stated that there is a grace period of 120 days from the day we sign before we are fully covered officially (on critical illnesses).
Yes, unlucky for me not to get any cents from the coverage. If not, I can be a few thousand richer by now.. :-)
Everything happened for a reason..that is what I believe.
~ to be continued ~
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
My Independence Day
This morning, before my chemotherapy session (final day of 3rd cycle), my oncologist Dr. Ros Suzanna told me this lovely remark. Not a love remark okay! She's married with 3 sons!!hehehe..
"Zairy, this is your final day of chemo and there is no more chemotherapy session afterwards, insya-Allah. I'd discussed with Prof Fuad and since the progress is really showing terrific result, no need for the 4th cycle"
Just in case any doctor is in here..2nd opinion is most welcome..
My latest cancer markers
Beta-hCG 1.2 (Normal range < 5)
Alfa-Fetoprotein 2.77 (Normal range 0.00 ~ 6.72)
LDH 352 (Normal range 211 ~ 423)
Oh, what else I can say.. Alhamdulillah certainly not enough...
Although I failed to remember HIM most.Always with only little thought of HIM with the most of time HE gave me...
HE is still rewarding me this...Although I might not deserved this yet..
I hope I will never go astray, ever again..
Syukur ya-Allah, for giving me this test..
(Raihan - Damba CintaMU)
Tuhanku ampunkanlah segala dosaku
Tuhanku maafkanlah kejahilan hambaMU
Ku sering melanggar laranganMU
Dalam sedar ataupun tidak
Ku sering meninggalkan suruhanMU
Walau sedar aku milikMU
Tuhanku ampunkanlah segala dosaku
Tuhanku maafkanlah kejahilan hambaMU
Bilakah diri ini kan kembali
Kepada fitrah sebenar
Pagi ku ingat petang ku alpa
Begitulah silih berganti
Oh Tuhanku KAU pimpinlah
Diri ini yang mendamba cintaMU
Aku lemah aku jahil
Tanpa pimpinan dariMU
Ku sering berjanji depanMU
Sering jua ku memungkiri
Ku pernah menangis keranaMU
Kemudian ketawa semula
Bilakah diri ini kan kembali
Kepada fitrah sebenar
Pagi ku ingat petang ku alpa
Begitulah silih berganti
Oh Tuhanku, kau pimpinlah diri ini
Yang mendamba cintaMU
Aku lemah aku jahil tanpa pimpinan dariMU
KAU Pengasih..KAU Penyayang..KAU Pengampun
Kepada hamba-hambaMU
Selangkahku kepadaMU seribu langkah KAU padaku
Tuhan diri ini tidak layak ke syurgaMU
Tapi tidak pula aku sanggup ke nerakaMU
Ku takut kepadaMU
Ku harap jua padaMU
Moga ku kan selamat dunia akhirat
Seperti Rasul dan Sahabat
My special & million thanks go to my wife, my parents, siblings, my parents in-law, siblings in-law, doctors, nurses, families, relatives, friends, colleagues & everybody who are always giving me courage, supporting me by any means (financially / spiritually / psychologically etc), who are always there for me throughout this misery..turning every pain & hardship into pleasure & joy..
Allah bless you with Al-Jannah, Amin..
This morning, before my chemotherapy session (final day of 3rd cycle), my oncologist Dr. Ros Suzanna told me this lovely remark. Not a love remark okay! She's married with 3 sons!!hehehe..
"Zairy, this is your final day of chemo and there is no more chemotherapy session afterwards, insya-Allah. I'd discussed with Prof Fuad and since the progress is really showing terrific result, no need for the 4th cycle"
Just in case any doctor is in here..2nd opinion is most welcome..
My latest cancer markers
Beta-hCG 1.2 (Normal range < 5)
Alfa-Fetoprotein 2.77 (Normal range 0.00 ~ 6.72)
LDH 352 (Normal range 211 ~ 423)
Oh, what else I can say.. Alhamdulillah certainly not enough...
Although I failed to remember HIM most.Always with only little thought of HIM with the most of time HE gave me...
HE is still rewarding me this...Although I might not deserved this yet..
I hope I will never go astray, ever again..
Syukur ya-Allah, for giving me this test..
(Raihan - Damba CintaMU)
Tuhanku ampunkanlah segala dosaku
Tuhanku maafkanlah kejahilan hambaMU
Ku sering melanggar laranganMU
Dalam sedar ataupun tidak
Ku sering meninggalkan suruhanMU
Walau sedar aku milikMU
Tuhanku ampunkanlah segala dosaku
Tuhanku maafkanlah kejahilan hambaMU
Bilakah diri ini kan kembali
Kepada fitrah sebenar
Pagi ku ingat petang ku alpa
Begitulah silih berganti
Oh Tuhanku KAU pimpinlah
Diri ini yang mendamba cintaMU
Aku lemah aku jahil
Tanpa pimpinan dariMU
Ku sering berjanji depanMU
Sering jua ku memungkiri
Ku pernah menangis keranaMU
Kemudian ketawa semula
Bilakah diri ini kan kembali
Kepada fitrah sebenar
Pagi ku ingat petang ku alpa
Begitulah silih berganti
Oh Tuhanku, kau pimpinlah diri ini
Yang mendamba cintaMU
Aku lemah aku jahil tanpa pimpinan dariMU
KAU Pengasih..KAU Penyayang..KAU Pengampun
Kepada hamba-hambaMU
Selangkahku kepadaMU seribu langkah KAU padaku
Tuhan diri ini tidak layak ke syurgaMU
Tapi tidak pula aku sanggup ke nerakaMU
Ku takut kepadaMU
Ku harap jua padaMU
Moga ku kan selamat dunia akhirat
Seperti Rasul dan Sahabat
My special & million thanks go to my wife, my parents, siblings, my parents in-law, siblings in-law, doctors, nurses, families, relatives, friends, colleagues & everybody who are always giving me courage, supporting me by any means (financially / spiritually / psychologically etc), who are always there for me throughout this misery..turning every pain & hardship into pleasure & joy..
Allah bless you with Al-Jannah, Amin..
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Reality & Truth
Salam semua..
Rindu nak menulis, namun oleh kerana kesihatan yg on & off ni, mood pun tak 'mari' utk menulis ape2..
Utk permulaannya, sejak memasang niat menulis blog..aku dah berazam tak mau sentuh ape2 pasal politik..cukuplah sekadar membaca blog2 yg sedia ada. Takut menambah dosa yg sedia banyak...Kifarah pun tak abis lagi ni :-)
Sebagai peringatan, janganlah diterima bulat2 segala tulisan2 yang dibaca. Bimbang menjadi prasangka & akibatnya kita sendiri yang akan tanggung.
Masing2 ada pendirian, kepercayaan, pegangan & ideologi tentang fahaman politik yg 'dianuti'..biar apapun ia, hanya Allah yang berhak mengadilinya, samada niat & jalan yg dipilih itu benar2 diredhaiNYA. Fullstop.
Sebenarnya terkeliru dgn suasana politik sekarang ni..
Bermula dgn pengakuan bersumpah Raja Petra. Muncul pula laporan polis Saiful Bukhari dan kemudiannya 2 pengakuan bersumpah yg sama sekali berbeza oleh Balasubramaniam.
Tentang kandungan2 akaun bersumpah & laporan polis tu, rasa2nya semua dah sedia maklum..
Segala yang di atas adalah realiti yang mesti dihadapi oleh semua rakyat Malaysia.
Realiti adalah sesuatu yang kita lihat di depan mata kita. Namun kebenaran adalah hakikat sesuatu kejadian itu..
Realiti yang berlaku sekarang tak semestinya benar.
Namun, takutilah mahkamah Mahsyar..kerana di sana kebenaran benar2 suatu realiti..
Rindu nak menulis, namun oleh kerana kesihatan yg on & off ni, mood pun tak 'mari' utk menulis ape2..
Utk permulaannya, sejak memasang niat menulis blog..aku dah berazam tak mau sentuh ape2 pasal politik..cukuplah sekadar membaca blog2 yg sedia ada. Takut menambah dosa yg sedia banyak...Kifarah pun tak abis lagi ni :-)
Sebagai peringatan, janganlah diterima bulat2 segala tulisan2 yang dibaca. Bimbang menjadi prasangka & akibatnya kita sendiri yang akan tanggung.
Masing2 ada pendirian, kepercayaan, pegangan & ideologi tentang fahaman politik yg 'dianuti'..biar apapun ia, hanya Allah yang berhak mengadilinya, samada niat & jalan yg dipilih itu benar2 diredhaiNYA. Fullstop.
Sebenarnya terkeliru dgn suasana politik sekarang ni..
Bermula dgn pengakuan bersumpah Raja Petra. Muncul pula laporan polis Saiful Bukhari dan kemudiannya 2 pengakuan bersumpah yg sama sekali berbeza oleh Balasubramaniam.
Tentang kandungan2 akaun bersumpah & laporan polis tu, rasa2nya semua dah sedia maklum..
Segala yang di atas adalah realiti yang mesti dihadapi oleh semua rakyat Malaysia.
Realiti adalah sesuatu yang kita lihat di depan mata kita. Namun kebenaran adalah hakikat sesuatu kejadian itu..
Realiti yang berlaku sekarang tak semestinya benar.
Namun, takutilah mahkamah Mahsyar..kerana di sana kebenaran benar2 suatu realiti..
Friday, July 11, 2008
3rd Cycle in HUKM
Oh, what can I say..
If I complained 2nd cycle was already suffering & tough, this 3rd cycle is even worse..
Since discharged from HUKM on Sunday, my appetite is still below par until today (to illustrate, any plain water will turn sour). I also have flu & running nose. I vomitted almost every day. I have practically sleepless nights. Worse still, I need to be injected with neupogen, to boost my white cell blood counts for 3 consecutive days (Tuesday~Thursday). To my suprise, I went to see oncologist this morning and guess what.. the reading is still low below average.. -Sigh-
If those are not enough, I almost faint one morning & my vision also a bit blur..That explains why I am not writing here for a long time.. :-)
Alhamdulillah, my body is trying to recover back. I am not sure when but things are definitely not the same. Every cycle has its unique characteristics, which I 'enjoy' every moment. Really.. (er, maybe the prolong medical leave until 31/8/08 part..hehehe)
However, (just in case any of my bosses or colleagues read my blog), I miss my office as well (read it loud & clear). It was & really is such a long time that my friends need to cover up for my job. (okay, this time I mean it!!)
Latest Vios J (free promo..opss, sorry!!) supposed to be one of the project I need to cater for (costing-wise). Due to this fateful case, things had changed consequently.
Actually, on 1st July 08 I turned 3 in Toyota. After I discharged last Sunday only I realised that. What a bad employee.. ngeh..ngeh.. Too late to celebrate then..
The tribute must go to my employer though. Although my hospitalisation just covered up to approx RM30k, when operation alone is RM20k, I can't be fussy. I wonder if I was to be taken to another hospital, the scripts will be different.
And let not talk about insurance coverage just yet..I have a long story to tell..
So, basically, I have 1+5 sessions to go..
Although my white blood count always low, my cancer markers show good readings. That is the most important thing, after all. Alhamdulillah..
1st cycle
12 May
13 May
14 May
20 May
27 May
2nd cycle
12 June
13 June
14 June
19 June
26 June
3rd cycle
4 July
5 July
6 July
11 July
18 July
4th cycle
25 July
26 July
27 July
1 August
8 August

Just in case anybody is wondering
my latest look.. :-)
If I complained 2nd cycle was already suffering & tough, this 3rd cycle is even worse..
Since discharged from HUKM on Sunday, my appetite is still below par until today (to illustrate, any plain water will turn sour). I also have flu & running nose. I vomitted almost every day. I have practically sleepless nights. Worse still, I need to be injected with neupogen, to boost my white cell blood counts for 3 consecutive days (Tuesday~Thursday). To my suprise, I went to see oncologist this morning and guess what.. the reading is still low below average.. -Sigh-
If those are not enough, I almost faint one morning & my vision also a bit blur..That explains why I am not writing here for a long time.. :-)
Alhamdulillah, my body is trying to recover back. I am not sure when but things are definitely not the same. Every cycle has its unique characteristics, which I 'enjoy' every moment. Really.. (er, maybe the prolong medical leave until 31/8/08 part..hehehe)
However, (just in case any of my bosses or colleagues read my blog), I miss my office as well (read it loud & clear). It was & really is such a long time that my friends need to cover up for my job. (okay, this time I mean it!!)
Latest Vios J (free promo..opss, sorry!!) supposed to be one of the project I need to cater for (costing-wise). Due to this fateful case, things had changed consequently.
Actually, on 1st July 08 I turned 3 in Toyota. After I discharged last Sunday only I realised that. What a bad employee.. ngeh..ngeh.. Too late to celebrate then..
The tribute must go to my employer though. Although my hospitalisation just covered up to approx RM30k, when operation alone is RM20k, I can't be fussy. I wonder if I was to be taken to another hospital, the scripts will be different.
And let not talk about insurance coverage just yet..I have a long story to tell..
So, basically, I have 1+5 sessions to go..
Although my white blood count always low, my cancer markers show good readings. That is the most important thing, after all. Alhamdulillah..
1st cycle
2nd cycle
26 June
3rd cycle
18 July
4th cycle
25 July
26 July
27 July
1 August
8 August
Just in case anybody is wondering
my latest look.. :-)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Aku Pasrah
3rd Cycle
4 Jul 08 - Akhirnya dpt proceed utk kimoterapi kali ni. Sepatutnya semalam, tapi dek sel darah putih yg rendah (3.6 ~ sepatutnya minimum 4.3). Maka, terpaksalah aku disuntik dgn sejenis ubat berharga RM428 untuk boost sel darah putih tu. Check darah lagi sekali, ok dah..Alhamdulillah..
Tetiba rase nak nyanyi lagu yg Pak Aziz Satar nyanyi masa nak crk kayu api dlm ceta Ali Baba Bujang Lapok tu..hehehe..tapi, malang2 aku, ade lagi org lain yg lebih kurang bernasib baik..syukur dgn apa yg kite ada..Alhamdulilah..
Anyway, FYI...3rd & 4th cycle ni aku dah transfer treatment kat HUKM..The reasons being..GL aku dah overlimit (bos suruh appeal kt HR tapi aku mcm segan), then Damansara Specialist ade management issue psl takde in-house oncologist (semua visiting oncologist yg tak mahu sambung kontrak - nak tau details kene jumpa aku..bole gosip2..hahahaha) & lebih syahdu lagi life insurance coverage aku yg berada di grey area (waiting period of 120 days), which I plan to dedicate 1 post later on..insya-Allah.
Atas ketentuanNYA jua, mujur wife aku dah join gomen. Maka dpt la free coverage utk buat treatment kt sini. Tapi, ade gak certain ubat2 yg terpaksa dibeli sendiri..
I have no regret, though..
Banyak pengalaman baru bile duduk di hospital kerajaan..Kalo dulu, majority patient kat private hospital tu org2 kaya (melainkan ade cover under GL or insurance)..kat sini mostly org2 kebanyakan mcm aku ni. In short, level of keinsafan pun lebih tinggi kat sini..Alhamdulillah..
P/S: Thanks to Ajim, for being my chauffeur of late..
Anybody interested in buying iPhone with special price?Good bargain here..
Also all well-wishers via emails, sms, phone, blog, friendster etc.. Semoga Allah merahmati kalian semua..Amin
Politik Semasa
I am tired with all the nonsense!!!To BN & BA..Give Malaysians a break!!!
Ya-Allah, KAU datangkanlah pembela untuk umat Islam, yang dapat menyatupadukan kami hamba2MU yang sentiasa mendambakan pemimpin yang sentiasa takut padaMU, kasih pada rakyat..bukan mengharapkan kuasa & harta..
Sebagaimana janji kekasihMU Muhammad bahawa Islam akan bangkit di akhir zaman..moga kamilah yang bakal menjadi saksi kebangkitan itu, Amin..
Rejab is Here
Welcome to Rejab..Atas kesihatan yg tidak mengizinkan, tak dpt nak puasa sunat...
Hopefully Ramadhan nanti dah fit untuk berpuasa..
P/S: Buat rakan2 muslimat..lagi 2 bulan nak ganti hutang-piutang puasa yg lepas2 tu yerk.. Yang muslimin tu, kalo ade terponteng ke tahun lepas..jgn malu2 gak nak ganti!!Tapi takyah le exposed.. konon2 puasa sunat la tu...hehehe
4 Jul 08 - Akhirnya dpt proceed utk kimoterapi kali ni. Sepatutnya semalam, tapi dek sel darah putih yg rendah (3.6 ~ sepatutnya minimum 4.3). Maka, terpaksalah aku disuntik dgn sejenis ubat berharga RM428 untuk boost sel darah putih tu. Check darah lagi sekali, ok dah..Alhamdulillah..
Tetiba rase nak nyanyi lagu yg Pak Aziz Satar nyanyi masa nak crk kayu api dlm ceta Ali Baba Bujang Lapok tu..hehehe..tapi, malang2 aku, ade lagi org lain yg lebih kurang bernasib baik..syukur dgn apa yg kite ada..Alhamdulilah..
Anyway, FYI...3rd & 4th cycle ni aku dah transfer treatment kat HUKM..The reasons being..GL aku dah overlimit (bos suruh appeal kt HR tapi aku mcm segan), then Damansara Specialist ade management issue psl takde in-house oncologist (semua visiting oncologist yg tak mahu sambung kontrak - nak tau details kene jumpa aku..bole gosip2..hahahaha) & lebih syahdu lagi life insurance coverage aku yg berada di grey area (waiting period of 120 days), which I plan to dedicate 1 post later on..insya-Allah.
Atas ketentuanNYA jua, mujur wife aku dah join gomen. Maka dpt la free coverage utk buat treatment kt sini. Tapi, ade gak certain ubat2 yg terpaksa dibeli sendiri..
I have no regret, though..
Banyak pengalaman baru bile duduk di hospital kerajaan..Kalo dulu, majority patient kat private hospital tu org2 kaya (melainkan ade cover under GL or insurance)..kat sini mostly org2 kebanyakan mcm aku ni. In short, level of keinsafan pun lebih tinggi kat sini..Alhamdulillah..
P/S: Thanks to Ajim, for being my chauffeur of late..
Anybody interested in buying iPhone with special price?Good bargain here..
Also all well-wishers via emails, sms, phone, blog, friendster etc.. Semoga Allah merahmati kalian semua..Amin
Politik Semasa
I am tired with all the nonsense!!!To BN & BA..Give Malaysians a break!!!
Ya-Allah, KAU datangkanlah pembela untuk umat Islam, yang dapat menyatupadukan kami hamba2MU yang sentiasa mendambakan pemimpin yang sentiasa takut padaMU, kasih pada rakyat..bukan mengharapkan kuasa & harta..
Sebagaimana janji kekasihMU Muhammad bahawa Islam akan bangkit di akhir zaman..moga kamilah yang bakal menjadi saksi kebangkitan itu, Amin..
Rejab is Here
Welcome to Rejab..Atas kesihatan yg tidak mengizinkan, tak dpt nak puasa sunat...
Hopefully Ramadhan nanti dah fit untuk berpuasa..
P/S: Buat rakan2 muslimat..lagi 2 bulan nak ganti hutang-piutang puasa yg lepas2 tu yerk.. Yang muslimin tu, kalo ade terponteng ke tahun lepas..jgn malu2 gak nak ganti!!Tapi takyah le exposed.. konon2 puasa sunat la tu...hehehe
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